No Exit

Nihilism has taken me as far as it will go. My choices are death, jail, or some kind of philosophical belief system.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

research is like chasing the tail of God

I’ve been in an open debate with a theologian. The other day he told me I wasn’t an Anarchist. To which I responded that I am. Then he started talking about the etymology of the word, which shut me up. But I’ve gone and looked it up. From the oxford English Dictionary

Greek à name of state without a chief or head

1. a) Absence of Government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder
b) A theoretical social state in which there is no governing person or body of persons but each individual has absolute liberty (without implication of disorder)

One who admits of no ruling power; an advocate or promoter of anarchy; one who upsets settled order.

So once I get the economic freedom, Anarchist is going on my left wrist.
an- (without) + archos (ruler).

Even with my compromises, my failures, my contradictions, and my hypocrisies my mythology is anarchism. A society where we have total liberty and yet we take total responsibility for our role in society with no Gods or Masters telling us and/or controlling us; maybe it’s a fact that this world is filled with Masters and Slaves. But that fact doesn’t change my ideal, my mythology.


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